Tool room at Cardinal Keeler School in Gonaives
Good morning.
I hope and pray that you are well and safe. BonZeb is not only an environmental and ecological organization but also a community development organization. Through our H.E.A.R. (Haitian Educational Aid and Resources) program, BonZeb offers aid to schools from elementary to secondary school and individual students.
This last month we received a very generous bequeath of tools for the trade schools we support, Cardinal Keeler School in Gonaives and Fondation Vincent in Cap Haitian. Hundreds of hand tools and some power tools are now being inventoried and packed for shipping to Haiti. These tools weigh quite a lot, and the cost of shipping won't be small. There are a few items in this donation that we will not be able to ship, and the donor has suggested that we auction them off or simply sell them. These items include an arc welder, a drill press, and a table saw. If you would like to obtain any of these items or know someone who could put them to good use, please contact us.
Why tools? On my last visit, I was able to tour the schools and meet with the students and faculty. One issue that was very apparent during these visits was the lack of tools for the students. Students needed to share screwdrivers, hammers, wrenches, etc. Each student can touch the implement once or twice during a class. 30 students and only a handful of tools. We managed after that visit to use a Costco grant to send a dozen toolboxes to one of the schools. Now it is time to help other schools and hopefully, we will be able to get these supplies sent soon.
The other need that H.E.A.R. has is the funds to continue our current scholarships for students in our partner schools. We have over a dozen scholarship students thanks to your ongoing generosity.
As you know the school year is coming to a close and that means it is exam season. Students are trying to finish up assignments and prepare for their finals exams. It is much the same here as in Haiti with a small caveat. In Haiti there are fees associated with exams. These fees must be paid in order to take exams and receive credit for the year. For many students this is an extra financial burden on their families. H.E.A.R. tries to help with these costs as well as tuition.
That is why our appeal this month is for funds to cover both of these expenses.
Your help is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to working with you on this great project.