To become a partner with the people and communities we serve by establishing Haitian owned and operated small businesses, creating living-wage jobs through the production of affordable charcoal, using environmentally sustainable locally grown biomass.
Our Vision
To increase awareness of environmental issues affecting the people of Haiti. To promote collaboration and networking with businesses and organizations working in Haiti and in alternative energy projects throughout the Caribbean.
Our Core Values
In order to fulfill our mission, achieve our goals and implement our vision, we believe that treating others with Dignity, Respect, Compassion and Integrity are the keys to success. We also believe that proper Stewardship leads to sustainability and long term success
S’associer avec la population et les communautés en établissant des petites entreprises gérées par des Haïtiens, créant des emplois bien rémunérés par la production du charbon abordable provenant de la biomasse durable, cultivée sur l’ile et respectueuse de l’environnement.
Notre Vision
Accroître la sensibilisation aux problèmes écologiques affectant le peuple Haïtien. Promouvoir une étroite collaboration avec des entreprises et organisations travaillant dans des projets d’énergie alternative en Haïti et dans les Caraïbes.
Nos Valeurs Fondamentales
Pour remplir notre mission, atteindre nos objectifs et implémenter notre vision, nous nous servons des valeurs fondamentales suivantes : Dignité, Respect, Compassion et Intégrité. Elles constituent les clés du succès et se révèlent indispensable dans la poursuite du développement économique à long terme.

Rato in Thomonde
"Having BonZeb in Thomonde has been very impactful. I'm very grateful. It has raised awareness about the negative effects of deforestation in our community and provided us with an alternative. People cut trees for charcoal production because often time it is the only source of revenue to provide their family and to pay for their children's education. This is particularly true for me. With BonZeb not only do I have a job to provide for my family, I also contribute to the reforestation and fertility of the soil."